What is coaching?

Coaching can be of tremendous benefit to individuals through education, empowerment, and tools to support you in your goals for yourself and in your relationship.  While I am a sex and marriage coach, I often coach individuals and couples on self-esteem, confidence, goal setting, and other interpersonal relationships.  I want to help you be successful in all areas of your life.

What is the difference between coaching and therapy?

As a coach, I do not diagnose or treat any mental health conditions.  If you have depression or anxiety and are currently being treated for that by a physician and/or therapist, coaching can be an additional source of support for you.

Therapy is best suited when you are under-functioning and want to get back to a functioning baseline.  Coaching is more useful when you are already at a functioning baseline and want things to get better.

If you have had any sexual trauma or abuse that has not already been helped through therapy, coaching is not the right fit for you.

I frequently see trauma in clients that didn’t realize they had sexual trauma.  I am trained to recognize trauma and will refer you to a trauma therapist if needed.  It is possible to see a trauma therapist and work on coaching at the same time if you desire.  

Can I use insurance or my FSA/HSA to pay for coaching?

Because I do not treat or diagnose, you can not use insurance to pay for coaching.  Occasionally I have had clients be able to use their FSA/HSA account to pay for coaching, but that is up to your specific plan and you are responsible for any charges that are not covered.

Do you coach people that aren't married?

Occasionally.  I do have my Engaged Couples Course.  If you are wanting individual coaching and are not married, please contact me directly so that we can discuss your specific desires with coaching. If you want pre-marital counseling for a second marriage, please reach out to discuss.

What if I am the higher desire spouse? Will your membership still help me?

Yes! This membership is about you! Even as the higher desire spouse you have a relationship with your sexuality and belief systems that are most likely causing you problems.  The Embrace You Video course will still apply to you in many ways, and of course coaching to help you when you get stuck.  I am here to support you in whatever way I can.  It’s definitely not a one-size-fits-all.

What if I am not a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? Or what if I wouldn't even consider myself religious?

It’s totally fine if you are another religion or not religious at all.  I promise, you’ll fit right in.  Most of my clients are attracted to me because they like my conservative Christian background.  I talk about everything, but in a way that is in alignment with my own values. But there is never any judgement from me if your values are different than mine.  I meet you where you are. 

This sounds really good, but how do I know if I should do this?

Only you know what is right for you.  Tune into to your own wisdom.  What does she say?

I have had many clients who thought their situation was too hard, too different, too big, too small…or “too something” to be helped. But if you think this program MIGHT be right for you…it probably is.