You Are Disconnected From Your Sexuality

Probably not a big surprise that you are completely disconnected from your sexuality. Most likely you received little to no education, sexuality was shamed in your home and in your church, and you’ve never really figured it out once you were “allowed” to have it.
Do you feel like you are broken? That something is wrong with you because sex doesn’t look like what you thought it would once you were married? Do you feel like you would be totally fine if you never had sex again?
But, do you also hate the conflict and tension that it causes in your marriage? Do you wish he would stop asking? Or has he stopped asking and now you wonder if he even loves you or is attracted to you anymore?
Whether sex is something you never really engage in or you only do it as little as possible because it’s your duty as a wife, there is a way to make changes. You can have a fulfilling sex life and I can show you how!
I help conservative Christian women embrace their sexuality and love their sex life. I help them see the belief systems that they have about sex (sex is for men, pleasure is frivolous, it’s my duty…) and what their beliefs are currently creating for them (shame, guilt, tension, conflict), and help them to change them in a way that is true and authentic to them. And I do all of this from a Christian perspective and value system.
I have helped hundreds of women through my coaching program and I can help you too!
Want to things to change?
Check Out These Resources...
1. Follow me on Instagram and Facebook to learn more about me and what I teach.
2. Listen to my Podcast ‘Sex For Saints‘ to help you start to think about things differently.
3. Watch my free How Sex Can Be For You class!
Plus Expect to See Me in Your Inbox With More Ways to Help you In Your Sex Life!
What is the fastest way for you to reconnect with your sexuality?
Sign up for my Embrace You Elite Society!
What is Embrace You!? It is the *Premier* Coaching Program for Conservative Christian Women who want more in their marriage and sexual relationship.
Who I Am

Hi, I'm Amanda. And I am so happy that you are here.
I am a Certified Sex and Marriage Coach and I specialize in helping conservative Christian women (LDS) have a better sex life.
In addition to having the best job in the whole world, I’m also wife to Kevin, and mom to 5 kids ages 12-21. I live in Salt Lake City, Utah and I’m a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
I love my life. And love helping women become who they were created to be by talking about sex and sexuality in a way that is bold, straightforward, but within my conservative value system. You haven’t heard anyone else like me, I promise!
I have seen the lives of my clients transform right before my eyes, and I can’t wait for that to happen for you too!