Here are my most popular freebies to help you have the kind of sex life you've always dreamed of!

We often say no to sex for a variety of reasons as we should because I believe that the only time to say ‘yes’ is when we really want to have sex. But there are ways to say ‘no’ that will help build the relationship rather than hurt it. 

Download this freebie to find out the 16 ways to say no that will actually help your relationship and not hurt it.

When we are babies, we naturally know how we like to be touched. Babies know that they like to be swaddled or held close. But, we often lose that knowledge as we get older. 

With this freebie, you will be able to find out how you like to be touched through a guided list. 

Sometimes we know that we want to try something new, but we don’t know what to try. That’s where the Yes/No/Maybe list comes in. In it, you’ll find a list of things to try and you can rate them by how much you want to try them. Some things may be a resounding yes while others are a firm no. 

Come back to this list every once in a while to see if some of your maybe’s are now yes’.