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As a Certified Sex & Marriage Coach, and a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Amanda Louder helps conservative Christian women love their sex life!

In this podcast, Amanda helps women embrace their sexuality so that they can become the woman they were created to be.

She teaches you how to integrate sexuality into your marriage in a loving and healthy way, get rid of the drama and negative emotions around sex in your marriage, and develop a better relationship to yourself, your spouse, and your sexuality.

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sexual martyrdom
Ashley Linton

Episode 321 – Sexual Martyrdom

In this episode, we are going to talk about a topic that’s all too common but not often discussed—sexual martyrdom in marriage. I’ll answer questions like: What does it mean to be a sexual martyr? Why is it detrimental to your relationship and yourself? And how to recognize and shift

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sex as a bandaid
Ashley Linton

Episode 320 – Using Sex As A Bandaid

A while ago, I was at an event with a lot of other women. A woman sat down next to me and asked, “What if the sex is really good, but the rest of the marriage isn’t great?” After talking with her about this question for most of the night,

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if you love me
Ashley Linton

Episode 316 – If You Love Me…

“If you love me…” I’ve been seeing this phrase thrown around quite a lot lately. My clients often tell me that their spouse has said, “If you love me, you’d have more sex with me.” I recently saw in a Facebook group that someone said to their spouse, “If you

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burden of initiating
Ashley Linton

Episode 315 – The Burden of Initiating

Initiating sex is really important in your relationship, but it can also be really hard. Because of societal norms, we sometimes think that men should always initiate because women should be more passive in bed. This can lead to resentment, especially when he is always being rejected. Now, I’m not

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sexual resentment
Ashley Linton

Episode 314 – Sexual Resentment

Sexual Resentment is a complex emotion where we feel our needs are not being met in one way or another. If we take a step back and look at the stories that we are telling ourselves about our spouse and their inability to meet our needs, we can see that

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uplevel your sex life
Ashley Linton

Episode 313 – Level 3 Sex

For the last couple of episodes, we’ve been talking about the different levels of sex. So, in this episode, we’re going to talk about the pinnacle of marital intimacy – Level 3 Sex. I’ll explain all about what Level 3 Sex is, why couples would aspire to reach it, and

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level 2 sex
Ashley Linton

Episode 312 – Level 2 Sex

In the last podcast, we talked about Level 1 Sex, what it is, and what we can do about it. So, in this podcast, we are talking about Level 2 Sex, what it is and why you’d want to level up your sex life. Level 2 Sex is not the

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level 1 sex
Ashley Linton

Episode 311 – Level 1 Sex

In this episode, we’re diving into a topic that might resonate with many of you – Level 1 Sex. What is it? What isn’t it? And most importantly, how can we move towards a more fulfilling experience in our intimate relationships? I’ll answer these questions and more as we discuss

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sexual disappointment
Ashley Linton

Episode 310 – Overcoming Sexual Disappointment

Sexual disappointment is a complex emotion. Whenever we have expectations and those expectations aren’t being met, it’s natural to be disappointed. But what really matters is how we deal with that disappointment. Do we pretend we’re fine? Do we get angry? Do we avoid the emotion? Or do we talk

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men's mental health
Ashley Linton

Episode 309 – Are You Using Your Wife for Sex?

When asked, “Are you using your wife for sex?”, most men would say, “Absolutely not”! But is that true? Many men use their wives for sex without even realizing they are doing it. They don’t do it maliciously, but that doesn’t mean they don’t do it. In this episode, let’s

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sexual desire
Ashley Linton

Episode 307 – 3 Things That Affect Sexual Desire

Sexual desire is much more complex than many of us are led to believe. Desire is multifaceted and must be examined from a biological, psychological, and sociological standpoint. Why do I talk about desire so often? Because a lack of desire is the number one thing that women come to

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