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As a Certified Sex & Marriage Coach, and a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Amanda Louder helps conservative Christian women love their sex life!

In this podcast, Amanda helps women embrace their sexuality so that they can become the woman they were created to be.

She teaches you how to integrate sexuality into your marriage in a loving and healthy way, get rid of the drama and negative emotions around sex in your marriage, and develop a better relationship to yourself, your spouse, and your sexuality.

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more exciting sex
Ashley Linton

Episode 287 – Overcoming Boredom in Sex

Many women tell me that sex is boring for them, which is one of the reasons why they don’t have a strong desire for it.  No one craves boredom.  We crave pleasure, excitement, novelty, and fun.  And if sex is boring, you are probably not having any of those things. 

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pornography myths
Ashley Linton

Episode 286 – Sexual Myths Learned From Porn

The lack of sex education is a real issue in our country, so often people turn to pornography to learn about sex, which doesn’t actually help our understanding of sex nor our relationships. In this episode, we’re diving deep into the topic of pornography and its impact on our understanding

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multiple orgasms
Ashley Linton

Episode 285 – How Women Can Have Multiple Orgasms

Orgasms are an amazing experience! For most people, they are the most powerful feeling of pleasure available here on Earth. While men have a recovery period after orgasm, women do not. In fact, having multiple orgasms is something that women can learn how to do. Intrigued? Listen to this podcast

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mind body connection
Ashley Linton

Episode 279 – The Mind-Body Connection

Your brain is your biggest sex organ. Have you noticed what you’re thinking about sex? In this episode, we’re going to talk about the mind-body connection when it comes to sex. We’re going to look into gaining sexual thought awareness and how those thoughts shape our most intimate experiences. By

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Ashley Linton

Episode 277 – The Importance of Foreplay

In the last episode, we spoke about erogenous zones. But if you are focusing solely on these areas without any warm-up or creating the right context for sex, you are missing out on a crucial piece – the importance of foreplay. In this episode, let’s talk about what foreplay means

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erogenous zones
Ashley Linton

Episode 276 – Erogenous Zones

You may remember when Monica taught Chandler about erogenous zones on the TV show friends. (If you don’t remember this iconic scene, the link is below) Chandler was surprised to learn that there were more than 3 erogenous zones. Are you surprised too? In this episode, we’re going to talk

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sexual validation
Ashley Linton

Episode 275 – Sexual Validation & Rejection

Wanting sex so you can feel closer to your spouse or because you want to connect with them is great. But sometimes, we start to seek validation through sex. When we’re seeking validation through sex, we see it as our partner not loving us when we aren’t having sex. We

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Ashley Linton

Episode 274 – Sexual Conditioning Guilt

I often hear from my clients that they feel guilty about certain sexual things. When we really look into it, I question whether they’re feeling guilty, which to me means that they are doing something outside of their integrity, or are they internalizing someone else’s emotions about the subject. So

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Ashley Linton

Episode 272 – Decision Not Desire

So many women I’ve talked to have said that they don’t have any desire to have sex anymore. It’s just gone. Now, I’ve talked about desire a lot on this podcast, but today I want to talk to you about one thing that I haven’t talked about before and it

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sexual compatibility
Ashley Linton

Episode 270 – Sexual Compatibility

Do you worry that you aren’t sexually compatible with your spouse? I think truly being sexually incompatible is rare. But in this episode, we talk about those questions you may be having. What makes for sexual compatibility and what we can do to work on ourselves to make our relationships

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