The Puzzle Pieces Can Fit Together

My husband and I had a pattern and, after twenty-three years, it was difficult for either of us to feel loved, respected, heard, or connected. We had spent most of our marriage working on our relationship. Though I dreaded communicating with him, because it always triggered the pattern, I would do it in hopes of making our marriage stronger and better. We would attend seminars, conferences, and retreats trying to learn what we could do to improve our relationship. We listened, and still do, to thirty-ish different podcasts about sex and marriage. Still, the pattern continued. It was like being shown the photo of a beautiful completed puzzle, but feeling like the pieces we held fit a different puzzle altogether. Learning of and reading about David Schnarch’s work made me feel that differentiation must be the missing piece, but I could not figure out how to become solid in myself since our pattern seemed to prevent that. When I signed up for the free consult with Amanda, I was truly desperate. I needed our pattern to change, but quite honestly, I was not convinced anything could ever accomplish that. I am grateful and blessed to admit I was wrong. Amanda gave me the tools I needed to become solid in myself. The changes I made ended the pattern we were in. The more solid I became in who I wanted to be, the better our relationship got. My fear of communicating with my husband is gone, and I found myself desiring him and wanting to be in his presence more and more. There is a peace in our relationship that we have not had in years. In finding myself, I also found the man I fell in love with years ago. Amanda helped me sort my puzzle pieces and showed me how to get the edge pieces in. From there, the pieces started fitting together. She is the angel that saved our marriage and, in a few short weeks, armed me with the tools I needed to make our marriage more than I dreamed possible. I am forever indebted to her for the lessons I have learned from her.

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