Episode 34 – Cultivating Connection & Desire

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So many women think they don’t want to have sex because they are tired or “touched out” at the end of the day. What was once a vital and important part of the marriage has taken a back seat to life and child rearing. In this episode, we examine how the thoughts you are telling yourself are killing your sex drive…and how you can get it back!

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Episode 25 – What Is The Story You Are Telling Yourself?

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When something negative happens, our brains automatically make up a story to protect us. What are the stories that you tell yourself to protect yourself from feeling negative emotions? What stories disengage you from your spouse or make them into a villain? While this is a great way to protect ourselves, it takes us further away from creating the emotional intimacy and connection that we all crave in our relationships. So what stories are you telling yourself?

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Episode 23 – Stop “Shoulding” Others & Yourself

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The word SHOULD indicates an expectation, an obligation, a duty, and is typically used when criticizing someone. And usually when we “should” on others we have an expectation that they be LIKE US. And not only do we think they should be, think, or do like us, we expect them to be the perfect version of us. We have a personal set of rules of how people should conduct their lives. And when they don’t, it totally sets us up for anger, negativity, and disappointment. Talk about a set up for failure! Right? But when we drop the “shoulds” or the expectations we have of people, and just LOVE them we are able to create much better results in our lives, better relationships, and better marriages.

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