Episode 106 – Expanding Your Sexual Palette
How do you know what kinds of foods you like? You try them - right? The same goes for your sexual experiences. This week on the podcast I may challenge…
How do you know what kinds of foods you like? You try them - right? The same goes for your sexual experiences. This week on the podcast I may challenge…
Join me this week as I take you on a little journey of comparisons. . .with food. Each of us wants and needs a healthy relationship with food - …
Is the desire for your spouse gone - or maybe it’s the other way around? Are there parts of your human imperfect self that you do not desire and would rather…
An amazing interview with one of my clients and her journey to embracing her sexuality.
This is covering just about everything you might need right now. I will be talking about managing our brains around the stress and anxiety you might be feeling, I will…
What is stress doing to your sex life? How can sex make you less stressed?
When you numb in one area, you numb in all...
Are you touched-out?
In this week's podcast, I tackle the subject of your sexuality. What does it look like to you? What does it feel like? Our first impulse is to believe it…
An interview with Dr. Cameron Staley.
Do you use lube? There's a lot more to it than you might think!
What excuses do you make to not have sex?