Christmas sex
Happy caucasian couple with santa hats on heads holding sprinklers while cuddling and standing in living room. In background is christmas tree.

Episode 293 – Increasing the Sexual Connection During the Holidays

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I have a friend who has 7 kids, all born in September. That means that they were all conceived around Christmas. We’ve often joked about this with her, but it…

Continue ReadingEpisode 293 – Increasing the Sexual Connection During the Holidays
embracing you
Unfocused Couple on Counseling Session with Psychotherapist. Focus on Back of Therapist Taking Notes and Talking: People Sitting on Analyst Couch, Discussing Psychological and Relationship Problems

Episode 292 – Embracing All Parts of Us

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I’m speaking with therapist Jeff Lundgren, again, today about internal family systems. It’s a therapeutic modality that he uses in his practice that I find fascinating. If you’ve ever seen…

Continue ReadingEpisode 292 – Embracing All Parts of Us